Gin and Tonic
Oh, kind compulsion that swiveled me around
To ask what you were imbibing
And our laughter bounced off the dark wooden tables
As more merriment kept arriving
Your eyes followed mine in the crowd of the room
As we weaved our way through the frolic
That’s why I kept coming back to your side
‘Cos you had me at gin and tonic
At home; a game and such banter ensued
But you missed all my furtive glances
And as bonhomie gave way to fiery conviction
I treasured these stolen chances
For our eyes belied the bittersweet baggage of our lives
As they twinkled to sounds so symphonic
I could not have foreseen, oh how easy it’d been
Since you had me at gin and tonic
So will we hear sweet murmurings on the Seine
Or conquer new vistas oceanic?
Mayhap melt in mellifluous melodies galore
Amidst midsummer moon-nights static
Who knows but Kronos; that crusty old bat
Can’t stop us making life euphoric
To life, to song, music and dance and to more times
For gin and tonic.