Summer in the city
<From June 21, 2014>
It’s summer in the city, But
Where is that summer I shuttled?
With roses in a crushed knapsack
In overnight buses cross cities
To see you and quickly head back.
It’s summer in the city, But
Where is that summer of pure joy?
When I woke up on beach shacks
With feet in the sands, and cool morning beach breezes
Escaping a world full of sand cracks
It’s summer in the city, But
Where fled that wondrous awe?
As I weaved amidst pretty balconies
And imposing faux-Gothic cathedrals
Eating bread and knitting memories
It’s summer in the city, and
I breathe in this fresh air
As the wind waves wafts of fresh perfume
And life chirps out its merry tune
For a new adventure, to resume